Minibeast Parties
Our Bugfest minibeast birthdays are unlike any other!
For a start we like to make sure communications are clear from the word go.
We bring a larger range of minibeasts from all over the world to your party – some of which you will only have seen on television.
We have a range of minibeast party packages available:
The standard home handling package

One hour of handling
FROM £150, parties are quoted individually to cover staffing, travel and fuel and maintenance costs and all round travel time.
The handling party is an intimate experience which is none-the-less entertaining, with the usual silly anecdotes and all the Bugfest creatures in the comfort of your front room. This package is good for small groups of children, especially younger ones who might be timid around large and loud speakers in our bigger packages. It is brilliant value for money if you have a budget.
If you require something with a bit more oomph and want to invite more guests we recommend… The Bugfest Crazy Creature Show!
The Bugfest Crazy Creature Show

An hour of mad-cap natural history entertainment with the animals.
This is suitable for the five year olds and up with lots of blood guts and gore, dramatic backing music and a few jokes for the grown ups thrown in. You will need to book a hall for this package and we will need one end to set up our speakers and display material.
One hour show FROM £190, parties are quoted individually to cover staffing, travel and fuel and maintenance costs and all round.
Book an additional hour of handling for only £90.
The Bugfest Boogie

The Bugfest Boogie is back!
A two hour overdose of fun with the Bugfest Crazy Creature Show thrown in, plus a full on disco with lasers, smoke and the latest chart toppers as well as some classic party pieces that you just can’t do without.
Two hour party package FROM £350, parties are quoted individually to cover staffing, travel and fuel and maintenance costs and all round.
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